
I think i was over ambitious with the rapping paper =) but i had fun doing it =D. When i was little my granddad was the santa for out kids group one year, and cried none stop cos i didn’t realize it was him =P.

Happy holidays from me and Bert =D. Enjoy.

Counselling Pt 1

Though this was not written by me, I have been in and out of councilors officers. The first few where related to school where they made me go. Both times the reasons were not adopted related yet the first thing they wanted to know was about my adoption… some times i felt that the councilors believed that adoption is an easy “hook” to pin anything in life on. Later in life (early early 20’s) i saw a few councilors specifically when i started exploring my adoption, but it was when i was ready and on my terms…. and it did help =). So i’ve seen both sides of the coin.

Also this this comic i have started to use a different technic. I have been using drawing pens instead of pencil. It seems to scan better but slightly less “sketchy” then the pencil. But still gonna stick with it for a while. I’m still only  learning as a go.

Getting Culture

Ok, can someone remind me that trying to emulate Asian type fabric patterns by hand is a reallllly bad idea =P? I have to admit i love High School musical series =D tbh i’ve always been a sucker for musicals =D.

When i was younger i never was in of these adoption family groups where i could learn about Vietnamese culture, but i grow up in Hong Kong, so i guess thats close enough =P… but really i am starting to learn more about Vietnam slowly =).

Bert avatarBert – This is one is based on my own experiences at culture camps! We try to get teach them a bit about birth culture, but when they get together, they shared their adopted culture. Doesn’t make them less adopted, but it does show how unique being adopted can be!

What kind of Adoptee are you? Pt1

Well, this is pretty much my hands and one of the pencils i use =). I’m not very good at drawing cartoon hands… but bigger hands are ok, need to work on little cartoon hands =D. I never learnt “2×2 Matrix” in school (or i was not paying attention which is highly likely =P i was a terrible student… You could usually find me doodling).

When i was looking for examples of 2×2 matrix online my husband who was also looking came across this comic… and maybe i shouldn’t pimp someone else comic, but i found it very funny  =) check it out Indexed –

[EDIT] I actually had originally uploaded a slightly different version. But both me and Bert felt it didn’t totally work. It doesn’t matter if it’s written, drawn or contemporary art sometimes expression complex adoption issues with the message that you intend is indeed a huge challenge. Bring it on!!!! =D