
Uploaded a new comic – Check.
Done a comic with a slight political slant – Check.
Worked in a stylish pink shirt into the comic – Check.

I do love my check lists =). This comic might need a bit of a read up online for those of us *cough… me* that aren’t good at keeping up at with the current news =P. It’s promoted me to sign up for the BBC rss feed so i can “try” and keep up =P.

Art wise it’s been nice to return to the original comic style as the last one was intentional more realistic. Even though i feel like i’m working on the comic constantly, I seem to be able to only managed to complete one comic a month… I’m hoping that i can do more, but yeah it’s just a case of fitting it into my other freelance work… but i hope you even enjoy it all the same =).

7 thoughts on “Arizona

  1. Hummmph…I did have to google it. Not that easy to explain to my adopted Vietnamese 8 year-old, who is a huge fan of your comic! We both check very regularly for new ones and look back at the old ones. Congratulations to Bert for his new son! We’re off to Vietnam in less than a month to try to adopt a baby sister for our daughter. Being British (well, I’m not, but my husband is and we live in London), we’ll have to be residents in Vietnam for at least 6 months. It’ll be great as an adventure and wonderful for Hâuie who hasn’t been back since we adopted her aged 7 weeks, but pretty disastrous financially…Anyway, keep producing the comic because we really enjoy finding the new ones!
    All the best,

    • Oh wow you have to live there for 6 months o_O I’m based in the uk… but being 28 i can pretend that i don’t need to think about kids yet =P. But still would be interesting to hear what the process is to adopt from VN.

  2. I was just thinking about this the other day- no family vacations to Arizona since my children are Hispanic.

  3. I traveled through AZ last week, had all of our passports with us. No problems, but I did not want to be faced with anyone questioning my childrens’ citizenship. and being from NM, we are being advised to carry passports since they do not trust NM driver’s licenses as proof of citizenship.

  4. I won’t even go for a layover in AZ. That’s all I need is some INS officer hounding me. Even though I am Indian, many of these ‘individuals’ think I am Hispanic. Let’s get things correct. IGNORANCE IS EXPENSIVE….I completely understand your situation Deb. Thanks guys! :_)

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