Greatest Fear

I know, I know, we’ve been a bit slower than usual on getting comics out. There’s a good explanation . . .

I’ve been teaching three courses for the past three months plus a host of other things in my day job. And I’ve been getting ready to go to Vietnam to pick up our son (more on that below). Meanwhile, Jess has been applying for PhD schools and planning a big reunion for Chinese adoptees in September. So . . . yeah, we’ve been busy. But we’re glad to finally post something for everyone!

Life is good and we keep posting comics when we get the chance. Hang in there with us loyal fans! We appreciate the support!

Oh yeah . . . we received our official Letter of Invitation so we will be spending the next 5-6 weeks in Vietnam picking up our new son (who’s about 11 months old now). We’re very excited! (and I’m secretly hoping to get more comic material too!)

As for this comic, this one comes from what seems to be a huge fear and elephant in the room for adoptive parents in that they fear having the conversation about adoption with their adopted kiddo(s). It’s almost like the “sex” talk (and if you think about it, you have to have the sex talk to have the adopted talk, so you should all think about that!).

Parents are always scared of it, probably because it’s new to them. But the funny thing is, for us adoptees, it just is. We don’t know any different and secretly chuckle at the fear. “Hey, we’re adopted. Cool. Can I go back to playing video games now?”

Enjoy! (BTW, Jess tells me she did this one with a new gadget on the computer that I can’t fully explain, but let us know what you think!)

4 thoughts on “Greatest Fear

  1. Hi Bert & Jessica!

    I read this from the adoptee perspective (though I’m the AP)…”are my parents bringing up THAT again?” Funny.

    Love your comics, keep them coming!

    And Bert, I’d love some new pics of the little guy! Have a great trip, can’t wait to hear how it’s going. My kids are 8 and 10 now, and can’t wait to go back.

    Always the best wishes,

  2. That “gadget” Bert couldnt explain was actually this is the first comic i did totally on the computer… last week i took the plunge and got a graphics table =D. It took about as long as drawing on paper just minus the scanning. Hopefully you can’t tell too much ^.^ . But yeah totally loving the graphics tablet… wish i’d got it 4 months ago when i first thought about it.

    As for Bert I’m so very very happy for him and his family =D

  3. Not sure if it is an age, gender, or personality thing but my daughter always has millions of questions and opinions on being adopted. My son is more like the comic- “uh-hun I’m adopted, got it, can I play now? “

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