
I guess I can’t be embarrassed about it any more… this is autobiographical =P.

Last year I did get my adoption documents and indeed there was my birthmother’s weight. I joined the gym this march 2011 mainly to help two concurring sporting injurys (ankle then knee, knee being the lasting injury) from  7 years ago. Most of the weight I’d gained was after these injuries. I actually think that part of the reason I hurt my knee was me and my husbond had decided to try and learn the first dance of our wedding with a teacher and we were moving in ways we’d never had before, and being so pumped from that we went straight into the sunshine to play basketball which is the most active I’d been since I’d injured my ankle the year before =O Thankfully I managed to stand through my wedding ceremony and DID manage our first dance routine =).

I’ve always been a “curvy” person even before the injuries, which I use to put down to genetics so I thought it was time to try and do something about it. And not to sound too corny, I’m healthier, happier & eating better… and in 4.5 months I have lost 35lb (2.5stone/16kg) and continuing to work hard on it =)

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