Parental Worries

So me and Bert throught we’d try a more sophisticated comic this time around.

This one definitely has been a challenge, and over a week in the making through changes, rewrites and a prime example of the collaboration between me and Bert. Artistically it has the most unique chrs in it (at 20), with an ambitious drawings & colourings…. and i hope you enjoy the fruits of our labour =)

8 thoughts on “Parental Worries

  1. Well this is great. I am divorced from my first son’s dad, had my second son before I married this father [he was at our wedding 8 years later] and my two daughters were adopted .. so I guess I tick all the boxes.. well nearly all.. Thanks for this great comic the fun and normalising of concerns. Great

  2. I have to disagree – in my experience, the adoptive panel’s much more likely to read something along the lines of “do you think her acting like this means she’s gonna turn out like her birth mom? *shudder*” :(

    Fantastic comic though! :D

  3. Funny and true. I shared this on Facebook, and the odd thing is that the security words that came up were “fezzes” and “Korean.” (fezzes?)

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