In Common

This is a special day here at Adopted the Comic. Today Bert welcomes Jayden Van Tri into the Ballard flock. As I type Bert and his family are in Vietnam, which is the first time for Bert since he was adopted. If you want to follow his journey and more photos of his time there you can find more at Bert’s Facebook [HERE].

I wanted to do a little comic to celebrate with Bert, and this is what i came up with. Me and Bert still have never met in person, and planning to talk on skype very soon =)… so we never really had this conversation… but the things i say we have in common here are definitely true =)… and i’m sure i’ll discover more that we have in common too =). And cos it’s such a speaical day i wanted to put me and Bert into the comic… so this is the first time me and Bert have met in comic land. Art wise i made these drawings a little more “realistic” that my usual style and had fun posing into my webcam =P.

While me and Bert have loads in common, something Bert says is “If you meet one adoptee, you’ve met one adoptee.” Even as an adoptee myself i do sometimes forget that just like anyone, there are some adoptees i may not click with and some that will be life long friends =).
